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A Rosicrucian Speaks - Book Jacket
- Table of Contents
- About the Author
- Preface
- "So Shall Ye Reap"
- "The End of an Age"
- "The Power of Thought"
- "Prayer"
- "The Significance of Beauty"
- "Coming Changes"
- "Reason, The King"
- "The Rosicrucian Cross"
- "Birth and Death"
- "The Lords of the Material World"
- "Creative Meditation"
- "Meditation Technique I"
- "Meditation II"
- "Mother of the World"
- "Woman of Tomorrow"
- "The Birth of Christ"
- "Baptism"
- "Fiery World I"
- "Fiery World II"
- "Telepathy"
- "Illusion"
- "Service"
- "Sacred Places"
- "Today's Problems"
- "Simplicity"
- Books by Joseph J. Weed
- Links of Interest